Research to Make Positive Changes for All Mothers

At MOTHERboard Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of evidence-based research to create positive, lasting changes in the lives of all mothers. Our research initiatives are dedicated to uncovering the real challenges and needs that mothers face in today's workforce, providing a solid foundation for our advocacy and program development efforts.

Through rigorous research and dedicated analysis, MOTHERboard Foundation is committed to making workplaces more supportive and empowering for mothers everywhere, ensuring they thrive both professionally and personally.

Focus Areas

  • Investigating how current workplace policies affect the mental and physical health of working mothers.

  • Analyzing the effectiveness of various support systems and programs in enhancing maternal well-being and career longevity.

  • Studying the economic impacts of maternal burnout, including turnover rates and the cost benefits of implementing supportive practices in the workplace.

  • Understanding the diverse experiences of mothers from various cultural, racial, and economic backgrounds to ensure our solutions are inclusive and equitable.


  • Engaging directly with working mothers to gather qualitative and quantitative data on their experiences and needs.

  • Partnering with universities and research organizations to conduct in-depth studies and analyze trends.

  • Documenting and analyzing the outcomes of MOTHERboard® implemented programs within partner companies to assess real-world impacts.


  • Crafting targeted recommendations for policy changes at both the organizational and governmental levels.

  • Refining and expanding our programs to better serve and support mothers based on empirical data.

  • Raising awareness about the critical issues facing working mothers through reports, presentations, and collaborative public engagements.

Collaborate on Research with Us

Are you a university or researcher looking to make impactful changes in the lives of working mothers? Join us in our mission to develop research-driven solutions by collaborating on studies and initiatives that explore the challenges and opportunities for mothers in the workforce.